King Adebayo was matched to the centre of Amatu village and was stoned yo death....Bolu was not happy he cried bitterly for his father not minding what his father had done ...the people of Akoka and Amatu village were rejoicing the death of King Adebayo....the villagers of the whole land of bachran choose King Olajoye to be the head of All Kings in bachran.he was happy that his dream for many years came to pass.

    Bolu was the only successor of King Adebayo and they have announced the date of his execution.other villagers of Amata were sold to slavery.only Bolu and his friend Ajayi remained in prison waiting for the day of their death

It was midnight,Bolu waked up and waked Ajayi...they were hungry and thirsty.Boly told Ajayi to be of courage that they would escape death..Ajayi has already lose hope.bolu cheered him up...

Early in the morning Bolu and Ajayi were taken to the chief priest...the chief priest told them they will be sacrificed to the god's of the be continued Episode 11 coming soon....

Also read the courageous slave 

Episode 9

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